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Author: Daniel J. Leonard Page 13 of 22

10 Things You Might Not Know About the Reinheitsgebot (Beer) Purity Law of 1516

Original Reinheitsgebot of 1516
[Segment of the original Reinheitsgebot of 1516. Credit: Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.V.]

If you’re a beer enthusiast or perhaps fond of German beer, this probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard about the “Reinheitsgebot”, or the (Beer) Purity Law of 1516. And with 2016 marking the 500th anniversary of arguably the most famous piece of beer legislation the world has ever known, it probably won’t be the last you hear of it either.

But just because the Reinheitsgebot is one of the most famous beer laws doesn’t mean it’s the most well understood.

So with that, here’s a quick rundown of ten things you might not know about the Reinheitsgebot:

1. Meaning and pronunciation of “Reinheitsgebot”: In German, “Rein” means “pure”, “Reinheit” means “purity”, and “Gebot” means “commandment” (“The Ten Commandments”/”Die Zehn Gebote”), “decree” or “ordinance”, but “Gebot” is typically translated in this case as “law”. Therefore, “Reinhietsgebot” is translated as “Purity Law”, commonly referring to beer Purity Law.

The law itself dictates, among other things, the ingredients that may be used to make beer.  To be clear, only one sentence of the original Reinheitsgebot of 1516 discusses limiting beer ingredients, while the rest of the document mainly focuses on setting price limits on the sale of beer.  Some speculate that the main impetus behind the creation of the Reinheitsgebot of 1516 was to protect consumers from brewers who may add dangerous ingredients to beer potentially poisoning the public, while others believe that in addition there were more economic motives involved (more on that later).

The correct way to pronounce “Reinheitsgebot” is like this: “Rine Heights Ge-Boat”, not “Rine Heights Ge-Bot” where “Bot” is pronounced like “Robot”.

2. There are technically two different beer Purity Laws that German breweries might be following: The Bavarian Reinheitsgebot or the German Reinheitsgebot.

In fact, many German breweries will often specifically indicate on the beer label which of the two Purity Laws their beer falls under as you can see on the images below:

Bavarian Reinheitsgebot

German Reinheitsgebot
And of course, sometimes the brewery isn’t exactly clear which “Reinheitgebot” they’re following as you can see in the label below that merely states “brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot”.

Schneider Weisse Label

Nevertheless, the distinction between the two Purity Laws is made not just because “Germany” didn’t even exist as a country in 1516 (that only happened in 1871), and therefore there was no “German Reinheitsgebot of 1516”, but also because the two Purity Laws are themselves objectively different with respect to the ingredients allowed in making beer, with the German version being the more lenient of the two:

A) The Bavarian Reinheitsgebot of 1516: The only ingredients used for the brewing of beer must be barley, hops and water. [1]

B) The German Reinheitsgebot: Bottom-fermented beer (lager) may only contain barley malt, hops, water, and yeast.  Top-fermented beer (ale) must include barley malt, hops, water, and yeast, but it is also permittable to use other malts, pure cane sugar, beet or invert sugar, as well as colorants derived from modified starch sugar and any of the aforementioned sugars. [2] If you wanted to put a date on what is referred to as the original “German Reinheitsgebot”, you could nail it down to May 31st, 1872 when Germany enacted the “Law Concerning Levying Brewing Tax” (Gesetz wegen Erhebung der Brausteuer), however the ingredients listed above come from the “Notice Concerning the Version of the Brewing Tax Act” from June 7th, 1906 (Bekanntmachung, betreffend die Fassung des Brausteuergesetzes), which was a modification to the original German Reinheitsgebot of 1872.

3. Mark your calendars! The official date of the 500th anniversary of the Bavarian Reinheitsgebot of 1516 is April 23, 2016, which conveniently happens to fall on a Saturday. Accordingly, we recommend starting the celebration with a tall cool glass of your favorite Reinheitsgebot beer on Friday at midnight.

(Wouldn’t it be cool if some breweries got the crazy idea to brew a special “Reinheitsgebot beer” to mark the occasion? Hmmm…)

4. Many sources claim that the Reinheitsgebot is the oldest, still valid food safety law in the world. Technically, that statement isn’t exactly true… and that’s putting it nicely.

First of all, the Reinheitsgebot was officially repealed by the European Court of Justice in 1987 because it was found to be in direct violation of the Rome Treaty (Article 30, banning protectionism). [3] This repeal thus allowed German brewers to produce beer for export with no regard to the Reinheitsgebot.  So, technically the Reinheitsgebot isn’t “still valid”.

Secondly, the Reinheitsgebot of 1516 was not the oldest food regulation in the world. Take, for example, the 1493 Duchy of Lower Bavaria Beer Decree which limited beer ingredients to malt, hops, and water. Before that there was the Münchner (Munich) Reinheitsgebot of 1487, and before that was the Runneburg “Wirtshausverordnung” (“Statuta thaberna”) of 1434 which stated that beer may only be brewed from hops, malt and water. [4][5]

Then of course there’s the “Novus Modus Fermentandi Cervisiam”(New Method for Fermenting Beer) introduced by Emperor Charles IV in 1364 which decreed that all beer brewed throughout the Holy Roman Empire must be brewed with hops. [6] There were even earlier beer laws: one from Erfurt in 1351, and yet another from Nuremberg in 1293. Laws and regulations specifically concerning food and alcohol existed in ancient Rome, [7] and depending on how you look at Kosher food regulations from the Talmud/Old Testament, you have a pretty solid argument against the Reinheitsgebot of 1516 being the earliest law that regulated food or food safety.

Nor has the Reinheitsgebot of 1516 remained essentially unchanged since its inception because as of the mid-1500s, Bavaria started to allow for other ingredients in making beer like coriander, laurel, etc. [8]

5. Neither the Bavarian nor the German Reinheitsgebot originally allowed for yeast as an ingredient. Now, if you know a little bit about brewing science, you know that it would have almost certainly been impossible to make beer back then without yeast.

So what’s the deal with the Reinheitsgebot missing this key ingredient?

Simple. People didn’t know about the role that yeast played in fermentation in 1516. According to the history books, Dutch naturalist Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first to microscopically observe yeast in 1680 (although he didn’t consider yeast to be a living organism), [9] while French microbiologist Louis Pasteur was the first to prove that indeed living yeast was responsible for alcoholic fermentation in 1857. [10] Eventually, the Reinheitsgebot was revised to include yeast in 1906.

6. If the Bavarian Reinheitsgebot of 1516 only allowed for three ingredients (barely, hops, and water), how was it then that wheat beers like Hefeweizen, Berliner Weisse or Gose were allowed to be brewed in Germany after 1516? Well, it was hinted at above, but the Bavarian Reinheitsgebot was updated beginning in the mid-1500s to allow for other ingredients including wheat. [11]  (In 1616, caraway, juniper, and salt were added to the Reinheitsgebot, which allowed Gose, a beer brewed with salt, to be considered Reinheitsgebot-friendly.) [12]

Some speculate that the reason wheat [and rye] were intentionally excluded from the Reinheitsgebot of 1516 was to better control the grain-based food supply in Bavaria so that bakers could have sufficient access to wheat grain in order to produce bread in a time of food scarcity, [13] and also to prevent price competition between the brewers and bakers.  Others go further and suggest that there were indeed profit-driven motives behind the legislation as evidenced by the powerful Wittelsbach family of Bavaria (in particular, Dukes William IV and Louis X), who originally enacted the Reinheitsgebot, and later profited by selling special wheat beer brewing rights. [14]

7. In 2013, the German Brewers Association attempted to have the Reinheitsgebot added to UNESCO’s Intangible World Heritage List, a list that already includes the Flamenco of Spain, Mariachi music of Mexico, and the coffee culture of Turkey. [15] The Brewers Association’s application was initially rejected, but there’s still a chance it could get approved if the paperwork is appropriately revised and resubmitted. [16]

8. Bavaria demanded that their Reinheitsgebot be adopted by Germany in 1871 as a precondition to joining the new German nation. Bavaria’s condition was met. After the first German Empire fell following World War I, a new German unification took place forming what was called the “Weimar Republic” in 1919 (officially known as the “German Reich”). Again, Bavaria refused to join unless their Reinheitsgebot was adopted by the rest of the newly reformed country. Bavaria’s condition was met. Again. [17]

9. Even though the Bavarian Reinheitsgebot of 1516 is old, it only started being called the “Reinheitsgebot” as of March 4, 1918. Prior to the term being coined by Hans Rauch of the Bavarian State Parliament in 1918, the “Reinheitsgebot” was simply known as the “Surrogatverbot”, or “Surrogate (Adjunct) Prohibition”. [18]

10. In the 19th century, Greece incorporated a nearly identical version of the Reinheitsgebot into Greek law. [19] This Greek law was later struck down around the time the Reinheitsgebot was repealed in Germany in 1987. [20]

Test Your Knowledge

Based on the information above, what’s wrong with the following two beer labels?

1. Hint: The text at the top of the Rex Pils label states “Nach dem Deutschen Reinheitsgebot von 1516 Gebraut”, or “Brewed According to the German Reinheitsgebot of 1516.”

Potsdamer Rex Pils - Berliner Kindl Brauerei

2. Hint: The small text at the top of the Erdinger Hefe-Weizen label reads “Getreu dem bayerischen Reinheitsgebot von 1516”, or “True to the Bavarian Reinheitsgebot of 1516.” The only other thing you need to know is that “Hefe-Weizen” is a wheat beer.

Erdinger Hefe-Weizen Dark

[Check the Answers on the Next Page]

Next Page…

[expand title=”References: (Click to View)“]

1. Reinheitsgebot of 1516 Highlighted
[Original segment of the Reinheitsgebot highlighted to indicate the sentence documenting allowable ingredients (transcription and translation below). Credit: Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.V.]

Original German text: “Wir wollen auch sonderlichen / das füran allenthalben in unsern Stetten / Märckthen / unn auf dem Lannde / zu kainem Pier / merer stückh / dann allain Gersten / Hopfen / unn wasser / genommen unn gepraucht sölle werdn.”

Modern German translation: “Ganz besonders wollen wir, daß forthin allenthalben in unseren Städten, Märkten und auf dem Lande zu keinem Bier mehr Stücke als allein Gersten, Hopfen und Wasser verwendet und gebraucht werden sollen.”

Typical English translation of the modern German translation: “Furthermore, we wish to emphasize that in future in all cities, markets and in the country, the only ingredients used for the brewing of beer must be Barley, Hops and Water.”

2. Deutsches Reich Law Gazette Volume 1906, No. 32, page 675 -. 693 [§ 1. Bierbereitung. Zur Bereitung von untergärigem Biere darf nur Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe und Wasser verwendet werden. Die Bereitung von obergärigem Biere unterliegt derselben Vorschrift, es ist jedoch hierbei auch die Verwendung von anderem Malze und von technisch reinem Rohr-, Rüben- oder Invertzucker, sowie von Stärkezucker und aus Zucker der bezeichneten Art hergestellten Farbmitteln zulässig.]
3. Swinnen, Johan F. M. (2011-10-27). The Economics of Beer. OUP Oxford.
4. Gaab, Jeffrey S. (2006-01-01). Munich: Hofbräuhaus & History: Beer, Culture, & Politics. Peter Lang. p. 10.
5. Hales, S. D. (2007). Beer & Philosophy: The Unexamined Beer Isn’t Worth Drinking (pp. 25). Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.
6. Van Uytven, R. Geschiedenis van de Dorst. Twintig Eeuwen Drinken in de Lage Landen (Pp. 74-76). Davidsfonds Leuven, 2007.
7. Albala, Ken (2015-03-27). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Food Issues. SAGE Publications. p. 1488. ISBN 9781506317304.
8. Karin Hackel-Stehr: Das Brauwesen in Bayern vom 14. bis 16. Jahrhundert, insbesondere die Entstehung und Entwicklung des Reinheitsgebotes (1516). Dissertation. Berlin 1987, pp. 2450, 2472.
9. Huxley A (1871). “Discourses: Biological & Geological (volume VIII) : Yeast”. Collected Essays. Retrieved 22 January 2016.
10. Barnett JA. (2003). “Beginnings of Microbiology and Biochemistry: the contribution of yeast research”. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 149 (3): 557–567.
11. Karin Hackel-Stehr: Das Brauwesen in Bayern vom 14. bis 16. Jahrhundert, insbesondere die Entstehung und Entwicklung des Reinheitsgebotes (1516). Dissertation. Berlin 1987, pp. 2450, 2472.
12. Herrmann, S. (2016, January 22). Viel Bier vor vier. Retrieved January 26, 2016, from
13. Opinion of Advocate General Slynn in Case 178/84 Commission v. Germany, delivered Sept. 18, 1986.
14. Herrmann, S. (2016, January 22). Viel Bier vor vier. Retrieved January 26, 2016, from
15. Sarhaddi Nelson, S. (2013, December 18). Is A 500-Year-Old German Beer Law Heritage Worth Honoring? Retrieved from
16. Reinheitsgebot vorerst als UNESCO Weltkulturerbe abgelehnt – ein Appell! (2015, February 18). Retrieved from
17. Swinnen, Johan F. M. (2011-10-27). The Economics of Beer. OUP Oxford.
18. Oliver, G. (2012). The Oxford Companion to Beer (pp. 692). New York: Oxford University Press.
19. Swinnen, Johan F. M. (2011-10-27). The Economics of Beer. OUP Oxford.
20. Glenny, Misha (1986-09-25). Last orders for Reinheitsgebot. New Scientist.



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Hi, I’m Dan: Beer Editor for Beer Syndicate, Beer and Drinking Blogger, Gold Medal-Winning Homebrewer, Beer Reviewer, AHA Member, Beer Judge, Shameless Beer Promoter, and Beer Traveler.

The Beer Syndicate Guide to the Ten Most Commonly Mispronounced Beer Styles

10 Beer Styles You Might Be Saying Wrong

As a result of the booming beer renaissance, not only do we have a tasty abundance of easy-to-pronounce beers like IPA, porter, and stout on tap, but indeed other increasingly popular traditional beer styles from around the world that many people are still trying to figure out how to say. But not to worry.

In this brief beer-style pronunciation guide, we take a quick look at the correct way to say ten commonly mispronounced beer styles (including some audio clips) so that the next time you see one of these delicious brews on the draft list, you can order it with confidence.

The Beer Syndicate Guide to…

Pronouncing Beer Styles


Märzen: In 1553, a Bavarian brewing ordnance decreed that beer may only be brewed between Sept. 29 and April 23.  Märzen was brewed in March (the German word for March is “März”, hence the beer style “Märzen”), and was designed to last the summer months with the last bottles being served during the Oktoberfest celebration towards the end of September.  This is why the Märzen beer style is sometimes also called “Oktoberfestbier”. 

The wrong way to say “Märzen” is like this: “Mars-in” (like a hotel on Mars: The Mars Inn).  The more accurate way is like this = “Mare-Tsen” where “Mare” is pronounced like the English word “mare” (an adult female horse). Remember it like this: “The old mare loves Märzen”. (Audio clip below.)


Hefeweizen:  This popular, albeit often mispronounced, beer style originated centuries ago in Germany and literally translates as “Yeast (Hefe) Wheat (Weizen)”; the name refers to the fact that the yeast is left unfiltered in this cloudy wheat based beer.  You might hear some English speakers refer to this beer as “hef” (the official drink of the Playboy Mansion), which of course is shorthand for how the whole word is typically mispronounced: “Heffa-Why-Zen.”   Good beer.  Bad pronunciation.  Try this instead: “Hay-Fa-Vy-T’sen” where the “Vy” is like “Eye” with a “V” in front of it.

WeissbierHowever, most Germans refer to Hefeweizen as “Weissbier” or “Weißbier” (White Beer).  Both spellings of “Weissbier” are acceptable and both words are pronounced the same: “Vice Bee-Eh”. That capital “B” looking symbol in the word “Weißbier” (ß) is called an “Eszett” or “scharfes S” (sharp S), and can either be written as “ß” or “ss”, and is sometimes referred to in English as a “long s”.]

Berliner Weisse:  Speaking of popular German beer styles, the tart Berliner Weisse beer style has been making a big splash in the U.S. as of late, but are you saying it correctly?  Many English speakers say it the wrong way, like this: “Burr-Len-Er Whys”.   Here’s how it’s actually pronounced: “Bear-Lean-Er Vice-Eh”.

Lambic/Lambiek: On the subject of sour beer, you might hear a lot of people pronouncing “Lambic” as, well, “Lam-Bic”.  But in Belgium (the place where the Lambic beer style originated), Lambic is brewed by both French and Dutch speakers, and in either language, Lambic is pronounced closer to “Lahm-Beek” (“beek” like a bird’s beak).  In fact, in Dutch it’s spelled “Lambiek” where the “biek” part of the pronunciation becomes all the more apparent (listen below).

Kölsch (Koelsh)
This light and refreshing ale comes to us from the German city of Cologne (or Köln in German— hence the name of the beer style), and is admittedly a tough one to pronounce because there is no sound equivalent in English for the two little dots (umlaut) over the letter “o” that looks like a little surprised face in the word “Kölsch”.  Even so, this is how to say it wrong: “Coal-Sh”.  This is closer to correct: “K’ul-Sh”.

But you might see why someone would pronounce the word “Kölsch” with emphasis on the “O” because it’s almost as if the little “ö” in the word is subliminally prompting you to make an “O” shape with your mouth.  I mean if the little surprised face (ö ) is doing it, we should too, right?  Ohhhhhh

Gueuze/Geuze: This sour beer style hails from Belgium, the land of predominately French and Dutch speakers.  But in this case, not only are there two common spellings for this word, but also two different ways to pronounce it, neither of which are “Goo-zz”. The easier of the two variations to pronounce is the French version spelled “gueuze” and pronounced “G’ugh-zz”.  (Audio clip below.)

The Dutch spell it “geuze” and the pronunciation is a little trickier for English speakers, but give it a try: “Heww-Za”, where the “eww” part is pronounced like when a little kid expresses disgust as with “Eww gross!” (Audio clip below.)

geuze spelling

Gose: This now popular salty sour treat originates from the city of Goslar in Northern Germany.  The commonly wrong way to say it is like this: “Goes” or “Gohs”, like in the sentence “Joe goes to the bar.”  The right way is “Gohs-Eh”, with emphasis on the “O” like the healthy breakfast beverage Mimosa.

Biere de Garde

Bière de Garde:  One of the very few beer styles of French origin, Bière de Garde means “beer for keeping/storing” (beer for guarding), and was traditionally a farmhouse ale from Northern France which was brewed to a stronger alcohol content at the end of the brewing season and thus could be stored or kept (guarded) for subsequent distribution during the warmer months.

The wrong way to pronounce this historical beer is “Beer Day Guard”.  The closer way to say it is like this: “Bee-Y’Air D’Guard”, where “Bière” sounds like the French name “Pierre”, like the former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.  The French word “de”, which usually means “of” but is here translated as “for”, sounds more like “duh” than “day”.


Rauchbier: Classical Rauchbier is a historical specialty smoked beer originating from Bamberg, Germany, with the Schlenkerla brewery producing the gold standard of the style.  Literally translated as “smoke beer”, the beer style is traditionally made with malt smoked over beech wood, and the beer itself can vary from somewhat smoky to bbq in your mouth, depending on the proportion of smoked malt used (sometimes up to 100%). 

When it comes to pronouncing the style, the wrong way is like this: “Rausch Beer”.  Closer to correct is like this: “Rauk Bee-Eh” where the “R” in “Rauch” is rolled like in Spanish.  But if you really want to sound like a native speaker, try pronouncing “Rauch” like this: “Rau” (roll that “R”), and then make a noise like you would when you’re about to hock a small loogie.  (Audio clip below.)

Piwo Grodziskie
Speaking of smoked beer, this once well-known oak-smoked light wheat beer originated from the town of Grodzisk Wielkopolski, which is located in modern day western Poland.   When it comes to the Polish language, the tricky part, at least for most English speakers, is that letters in Polish words don’t always behave like they do in English.  Take for example the Polish word for “beer” which is “Piwo”.  It’s not pronounced “Pee-Woah”, but rather “Pee Voh” (which, by the way, is how you say “beer” in many other Slavic languages including Russian, Croatian, Bosnian, Czech, Serbian, Ukrainian, and a few others).

So now we’ve got the first word down.  “Grodziskie”, on the other hand, is a little tougher because you have to remember to roll the “r” like you would in Spanish, but also because of the “dz” letter combination which in Polish turns out sounding closer to how you might say “gee” in English as in “Gee, Polish is tricky”.

Let’s put it altogether:  “Pee-Voh Grow-Jees-K’ya”. (Did you remember to roll the “r”?)

Still a little tricky?  Luckily there’s an equally acceptable alternative name for Pivo Grodziskie commonly used in German-speaking countries.  That name is “Grätzer” and is pronounced “Great-Sir”. (One of the rare occasions that a German word is the easier way to go, and probably the name you’ll see being used to call this beer in most English-speaking countries too.)

[Fun fact: The linguistic term for the “dz” sound in Polish is called the “voiced alveolo-palatal sibilant affricate” and is transcribed as d͡ʑ.  Try saying that term ten times fast.  Or even once.]

DIPA: DIPA, or “Double IPA” (not “Dark IPA), is one of the more popular American contributions to the beer styles, but since we’ve heard it pronounced as “Dip-Ah”, “Dee-Pah”, and also spoken out as “Double IPA”, we’ll leave it up to the public to decide.

Now you know they “correct” way to say these beer styles (or at least the way a native speaker would say them).  But here’s your dilemma: Do you say these beer styles closer to how they were intended in hopes that the bartender at the craft beer bar knows the correct pronunciation too, or do you assume that the bartender doesn’t know how to say the beer style and you mispronounce the beer incorrectly on purpose?

Or worse yet, what if someone overhears you pronouncing the beer style correctly and accuses you of being a beer snob?  Would you ever live down the shame?

This is why I still pronounce “Merlot” as “Mer-Lot”.


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Hi, I’m Dan: Beer Editor for Beer Syndicate, Beer and Drinking Blogger, Gold Medal-Winning Homebrewer, Beer Reviewer, AHA Member, Beer Judge, Shameless Beer Promoter, and Beer Traveler.  Interests? Beer.

Samuel Adams Utopias 2013 and 2015: A Side-By-Side Review

Samuel Adams Utopias 2013 and 2015

Samuel Adams Utopias has been described as one of the most sought-after beers on earth.  World-class. On the “lunatic fringe” of craft beer.  Radical.  Extreme.  Challenges the idea of what beer can be.

Released in very limited quantity and only typically every other year, this rare beer is not just extreme in strength (with one vintage exceeding as much as 29% alcohol by volume), it’s also relatively extreme on the cost side of things with a single 24 ounce bottle retailing upwards of $200.

Samuel Adams Utopias Receipt

First produced in 2002 with an ABV of 24%, at the time Utopias achieved the Guinness Book of World Records title for ‘World’s Strongest Beer’, although there have since been stronger beers on the market, with at least one beer from the Scottish brewery “Brewmeister” reaching an ABV of 67.5%.  But the intention with Samuel Adams Utopias is not to create a high strength beer for the sake of showing who can win an ABV contest, rather to produce a masterfully blended unique tasting experience.

But at more than $200 a pop, the question naturally arises: Is it worth it? 

It depends.  From an intrinsic value point of view, the answer is yes in the sense that about $200 fairly reflects the amount of time, craftsmanship, and effort that went in to making the beer.  But if the question is: ‘Will every person find the experience of consuming Utopias personally worth about $8-$10 per ounce?’, then the answer is probably going to be no for a variety of reasons.  For example, someone might argue that it’s more “worth it” to buy ten 30 packs of Bud Light for the same price of one bottle of Utopias, not to mention Bud Light is frightfully easier to come by.

Then again, you get what you pay for.

So let’s talk about what you get with a bottle of Utopias, assuming you can get your hands on one.

Samuel Adams UtopiasTo be clear, each vintage of Utopias is unique because each vintage is a different blend of various individual beers (even other vintages of Utopias) that have been aged in differing barrels going as far back as 22 years in the case of the 2015 vintage.  And as an integral ingredient itself, Samuel Adams has quite the library of flavorful casks to choose from including bourbon, port, Scotch, sherry, rum, Hungarian oak, Madeira, Carcavelos, cognac, and Armagnac to name a few.

Utopias attains its high ABV through natural fermentation with the use of highly alcohol-tolerant Champagne yeast, not by distillation, fractional freezing, or any other such method.

The beer is flat and bottled in unique ceramic decanters modeled after the copper brew kettles used by brewmasters for centuries.  Per the brewery, Utopias has an infinite shelf-life, getting better with age, even after opened and exposed to oxygen where subsequent oxidation is viewed as adding desirable complexity to the brew.  Specially designed drinking glasses were also created for serving Utopias by world-renowned glassmaker Georg Riedel, and one can be redeemed complimentary from the brewery with the purchase of each bottle (upon request).

So how does the Utopias 2013 vintage stack up against this year’s release?

Quite well.  In fact, our tasting panel preferred the 2013 over the 2015 in a side-by-side tasting, but it was close.  To be fair, the 2013 was originally opened in December of 2014, and therefore has aged a bit more, which may have smoothed out some of the edges.  And of course the 2013 and 2015 are two differently blended beers, so this isn’t exactly an apples to apples comparison which is why we refrain from calling this a “vertical tasting” like when two vintages of the same wine type from the same winery are tasted.

Nevertheless, here’s the rundown of a truly rare and unique experience…

Utopias 2013 & 2015 Attributes and Tasting Notes

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