If you’ve never heard of the drinking/travel show Three Sheets, well, not to oversell it, but it is very likely the greatest drinking show. Ever. Over the course of four seasons (52 episodes), endearingly witty host Zane Lamprey (a.k.a. “The Guinea Pig of Booze”) traversed the globe and imbibed in everything from a majestic $10,000 bottle of 50-year-old scotch in Scotland, to snake penis wine in Taiwan.

[Three Sheets Logo]
(By the way, if you missed the original series run, you can find it on YouTube, Hulu, etc. And if you’re thirsty for new episodes, you’re in luck because Three Sheets is coming back!)
Of course, being a dedicated drinking diplomat usually comes at a price which is customarily paid in the form of a hangover. But with almost every new hangover came a hangover cure— some more effective than others.
That said, sometimes the actual effectiveness of the hangover cures presented on the show was a bit vague. But we did our homework, and it turns out that there’s actually a Three Sheets book (4.5/5 stars on Amazon) that spells out the efficacy of the hangover cures by assigning each one a rating of 1 – 3 sheets.
As the book explains, “a hangover remedy that gets a one-sheet rating would do the trick if you only had a few beers the night before. Two sheets is for the morning after you had more than a few but you still remember how you got home. A remedy that’s three sheets is effective for even the surliest of hangovers— the ones that usually linger until well into the next evening.”
The only catch with the book is that it only covers 15 hangover cures despite there being 52 episodes in the series, but we’ll do our best to sort it out. In addition, the book points out that there is no such thing as a total hangover cure (because that wouldn’t stay a secret for long), and therefore uses the term hangover remedy instead of cure.
With that, we present to you:
Every Hangover Cure from Three Sheets
Below we cover the place where the hangover occurred, what caused it, the corresponding hangover cure (when mentioned), and, whenever possible, how well the hangover cure worked just in case you ever find yourself in a similar predicament.
Season 1
1. Belgium: Zane drinks a chocolate beer, a 22 proof beer, and booze made from made with Brussels sprouts.
Hangover Cure: On the show, the hangover cure was chocolate. Did it work? Well, Zane said he didn’t have a hangover anymore, so yes? However, in the “Belgium” section in the book, there wasn’t a single mention of chocolate as a hangover cure, but instead the remedy was the standard Belgian fare of mussels & fries with a splash of vinegar. Effectiveness score? 2-out-of-3 sheets.
2. Costa Rica: Bottoms up, amigos, as Zane goes Three Sheets to Costa Rica where he pounds local cervezas including Imperial, Bavaria and Kaiser, followed by a few foo-foo drinks such as a strawberry daiquiri, marisombra (ingredients: peach, coconut cream, amaretto, ice and white rum), a flaming “la cucaracha” (coffee liquor and tequila flambé), and then brings down the house with the dreaded Guaro, also known as “Gringo killer”, a sugar cane based spirit popular in Costa Rica and other Latin American countries.
Hangover Cure: Coffee in various incarnations including regular coffee, coffee + beer (that’s a thing), and coffee + brandy. Did it work? The coffee & brandy got Zane drunk again, so maybe?
3. Wales: Zane explores Welsh pub culture and takes a crack at the world famous “Mumbles Mile”, a pub crawl where in order to claim victory, you have to imbibe at 10 of the pubs on the route. Among other libations, Zane drinks “real ale” (cask-conditioned ale) such as Brains and Warrior brand brews which despite urban legend are not served at room temperature.
Hangover Cure: Traditional Welsh breakfast of cockles (tiny shell fish) and laverbread (a cooked paste made from seaweed and oatmeal). Did it work? Nope.
4. Champagne, France: Yep, the beverage of choice in Champagne is Champagne, Champagne and more Champagne, alleged not to render a hangover. So did Zane get a hangover from Champagne? Spoiler alert: yes. A rough one.
Hangover Cure: In the book, “onion soup” was listed as the hangover remedy, but was given the lowest effectiveness rating possible with 1-out-of-3 sheets. On the show, Zane said that there wasn’t a hangover cure in Champagne, so he went out for a little a Champagne breakfast, a.k.a. hair of the dog, or in French “soigner le mal par le mal” (to fight evil with evil). No mention of its effectiveness.
Booze fact: The expression “hair of the dog” refers to a hangover cure whereby the hangoveree drinks more of the same booze that caused the hangover in the first place. The phrase is actually short for “hair of the dog that bit you” referring to an old folk remedy against rabies where a person who is bit by a rabid dog is advised to place a bit of that same dog’s hair in the wound; hence the French version of “fighting evil with evil”.
5. Jamaica: Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up, it’s drinking time! Rum, Red Stripe and stout were at the root of Zane’s bumboclaat hangover in Jamrock, but is there any remedy?
Hangover Cure: “Herbal” teas. The show doesn’t really spell it out as directly as does the book, but as you might have guessed the special “herb” in one of the “herbal” teas was none other than one of Jamaica’s main exports: ganja. On the show, Zane definitely wasn’t feeling hungover after the herbal tea, but rather “irie” (a Jamaican patois term for happy and carefree). In the book, Zane was a little more explicit about the tea’s effectiveness when he writes that after 30 minutes of ingesting some of the worst tasting tea he’d ever had, he was so stoned that he missed the last camera shoot of the day, and was still toasted on the way to the airport the next morning.
So was the herbal tea any good as a hangover cure? Put it this way: Zane ended up giving the special tea the absolute highest level of effectiveness with a whopping 4-out-of-3 sheets. Quote: “Did I feel hungover? Shit, I couldn’t even feel my legs!”
[For more on the Jamaican drinking scene, check out our Guide to The Jamaican Beer Scene.]
6. Ireland: Hangover cause: Guinness, whiskey, and a “special”, or roughly a pint of Smithwick’s topped off with a bit of Guinness (sort of the Irish version of a black and tan).
Hangover Cure: Irish coffee, a.k.a. coffee + whiskey topped with cream. Did it work? Didn’t say in the show, but in the book… it was a resounding yes! In fact, Irish coffee as a hangover remedy was given a superlative rating of 3-out-of-3 sheets, said to be effective against even the surliest of hangovers.
7. Tequila, Mexico: When in the town of Tequila, drink as the Tequilians do! As such, Zane sipped tequila including reposado (aged 2 months to 1 year) and “extra-añejo”, in this case Jose Cuervo Reserva De La Familia, a blend of tequilas aged up to 30 years. Other tequila-based libations included tamarind margaritas, a few foo-foo drinks, and flaming la cucaracha bombs (a shot of tequila & coffee liqueur dropped into a glass of beer).
Hangover Cure: A meat torta (sandwich) with hot chili sauce. Did it work? Si Señor, the hot chili sauce officially wiped out the hangover thus earning a 3-out-of-3 sheets of hangover-crushing effectiveness. That said, Zane points out in the book that food that is spicy, high in fat, and high in protein serves to distract you from being hungover, but sweating from the spice actually dehydrates the body which further increases the hangover.
8. Belize: Belize brought it with Belikin brand lager, mojitos, margaritas, rum & coke, cashew wine (made with the cashew fruit sans the nut) and “viper rum” (a bottle of rum that a viper died in).
Hangover Cure: A Belizean “Michelada” (lemon juice, spices, hot sauce and beer). Did it work? Let’s put it this way: the hangover was more so postponed than cured.
Season 2
1. Croatia: Zane imbibed bermet (a spiced desert wine with grapes and spices), lager, Maraschino (cherry liqueur), and travarica (herbed grappa).
Hangover Cure: A cold dip in the Adriatic. Did it work? After the plunge, Zane felt more cold than hungover, so let’s call it a wash.
2. Japan: Here’s what the drink menu looked like for the Japan episode: Saké, saké and a lot more saké.
Hangover Cure: Maybe it was the constant flow of food, or the high quality saké, but this was one of only two episodes in the entire series where no hangover cure was required because no hangover was had.
Curiously, the book seems to suggest a different story and lists two “futsukayoi” cures, one for before the bed, and one for after. By the way, “futsukayoi” is the Japanese word for hangover, and translates as “two days drunk.”
Cure # 1: Ramen soup before you pass out, where the noodles are supposed to fill the belly while the salty broth rehydrates.
Cure # 2: Green tea, miso soup and “genki” drinks for the morning after. The tea is for the caffeine kick, the soup for the comfort and salt, and the genki to heal just about everything including your hangover, a cold, lack of energy and a low sex-drive.
Zane gave these remedies 2-out-of-3 sheets. The noodles made the forthcoming hangover slightly more manageable, but didn’t prevent it, and the green tea, miso soup and genki drinks in the morning left Zane cracked out, hungry and over the edge, respectively. In other words, a fidgety mess.
3. Czech Republic: Hangover cause: Absinth, beer (Pilsner Urquell and the original Budweiser), and becherovka (herbal liqueur).
Hangover Cure: Soaking in a beer bath (bathtub filled with beer). Did it work? Didn’t say.
4. The Philippines: Hangover cause: Beer (San Miguel) and Lambanog (coco palm liquor) of various strengths (up to 83% ABV).
Hangover Cure: Fried shrimp, shrimp ceviche, frog legs, and beetle larva. Did it work? Zane said he felt great and a little confused, so that counts!
5. Venice, Italy: Hangover cause: Prosecco (spumante and frizzante), Moretti lager, wine, wine spritzer (wine + aperol + soda water), bitter spritz (same as a wine spritzer, just swap the aperol with Campari), and grappa.
Hangover Cure: None mentioned. Don’t look at me, I didn’t produce the episode. Nevertheless, espresso is a fairly common hangover cure throughout Italy.
6. Taipei, Taiwan: Hangover cause: Zane drinks snake’s blood, venom, and bile, snake penis wine, Taiwan Beer, and Kaoliang (a sorghum-based spirit).
Hangover Cure: A painful liver-targeted reflexology massage. Given a 2-out-of-3 sheets effectiveness rating in the book, after a 60 minute rub down, the hangover was replaced with throbbing feet.
7. Munich, Germany: Hangover cause: Bavarian whiskey (Slyrs brand), schnapps (both raspberry and apple-pear), and plenty of Oktoberfest beer.
Hangover Cure: White sausage (veal) and a pretzel, a hangover cure associated with Bavaria. Did it work? Not instantly.
Booze Fact: A common German word for “hangover” is “Katzenjammer”, which translates to “cat’s wail”, where the sufferer’s groans of discomfort is likened to that of a wailing cat.
8. Puerto Rico: Hangover cause: Don Q rum with coconut water, Don Q of various ages, the original piña colada, Medella brand beer, and mojitos.
Hangover Cure: Fish stew with hot sauce. Did it work? Well, if getting a runny nose from the hot sauce and hot broth counts, then sure.
9. South Korea: Hangover cause: Soju, originally a rice-based spirit but later was made from sweet potato or tapioca during the Korean War when rice was needed for food, but rice-based versions can again be found today. Mass-produced Cass brand lager, and soju beer bombs.
Hangover Cure: The cure this time was none other than Korean hangover soup! Made with cow intestines, coagulated cow’s blood, and rice topped off with red pepper spice to sweat the hangover out. Did it work? Didn’t say.
10. Kentucky, USA: Buckle up for a trip through Bourbon country as Zane sips, you guessed it, Bourbon including Pappy van Winkle (15, 20, and 23 year old), moonshine and shots.
Hangover Cure: Scrambled eggs, biscuits, sausage with a drink of coffee and whisky. Did it work? Zane still had a hangover afterwards, so not fully.
11. New York (Manhattan), USA: Zane pub-crawls his way through expensive cocktails, ales, Champagne, lager, Fürst Bismarck (“Korn” or German grain alcohol), saki bombs, infused vodka, tequila and mescal.
Hangover Cure: None. Did you read that list? There’s no cure for that.
Season 3
1. Chile: Largely known for its grape-based booze, Chile offered up Malbec, Carménère, and Muscat wines, followed up with Pisco (Muscat liquor), and Pisco sours (pisco + egg white + table sugar + lemon juice + Angostura Bitters). Finishing off the night with blonde and brown ale, Zane ends up with an all-too familiar hangover courtesy of Chile.
Hangover Cure: Sopa marina (seafood soup). Did it work? Zane felt different, which doesn’t necessarily mean better, so that one ends up in the “maybe” pile.
2. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Hangover cause: Beer, caipirinha (the national cocktail of Brazil), and cachaça (a sugarcane-base spirit).
Hangover Cure: Açaí smoothie. It’s high in antioxidants, fiber (good for digestion) and iron (helps circulate oxygen throughout the body). Did it work? Quote: “It has cured my hangover. I’m no longer three-sheets; I’m on a sugar high.”
3. Portugal: Hangover cause: Port wine (white, ruby and tawny), vinho verde (both the red “tinto” and green, and sparkling versions), beer, mystery liquor, and Ginjinha (Portuguese sweet liqueur).
Hangover Cure: Lamprey eel (sucker fish). Did it work? Yes siree, hangover gone!
4. Hong Kong: Hangover cause: French cognac, beer (International Brand and “Hong Kong Beer” microbrews), Gaoliang (sorghum based alcohol) infused with herbs, and cocktails (whiskey & green tea, etc.).
Hangover Cure: Fire cupping. Not sure, but probably not.
5. Las Vega, USA: Hangover cause: In the heart of sin city, Zane takes a gamble on cocktails, Dom Perignon Rosé, wine, shots, and Martinis.
Hangover Cure: Zane orders up a little room service Vegas-style with a morning burger and a bottle of Champagne for $777. Delivered by a butler, the Champagne was Dom Perignon Rose (which retails for around $300 a bottle), and a $65 burger from the Burger Brasserie (I think that math adds up.)
Though it wasn’t explicitly mentioned as the hangover cure on the show, the book confirms it and earned a respectable 3-out-of-3 sheets, and was listed as one of Zane’s top three hangover remedies ever ingested.
6. Gibraltar: Hangover cause: John Collins (angostura bitters, ice, gin, lemon and lime juice, topped with soda water), Old Speckled Hen, and Stroh, an Austrian spiced rum weighing in at 80% ABV.
Hangover Cure: A greasy breakfast of fried eggs, fried toast, beans, pork sausage and Danish bacon from Star Bar, the oldest bar in Gibraltar. The theory is that grease dilutes the alcohol in the arteries while hardening them. Did it work? Didn’t say.
7. Denmark: Hangover cause: Beer, both Carlsberg and a $420 oak-aged barelywine of Jacobsen brand beer at 10.5% ABV, cocktails, Fisk (black licorice and menthol flavored spirit), Akvavit and snaps.
Hangover Cure: An icy cold dip in the Limfjord, a shallow sea in northern Denmark. Did it work? Here’s what Zane had to say: “One thing I have to admit: the agony inflicted by the unspeakable feeling of cold has definitely overpowered whatever hangover I had.” In a word, yes.
8. Saigon, Vietnam: Hangover cause: Bia hoi (fresh beer), Saigon Export and Bia Saigon Special brand beer (“special” because it’s made with imported Australian rice), rice-based vodka, and snake wine.
Hangover Cure: Zane skipped the typical Phở and went for a haircut and a massage.
9. Scotland: Hangover cause: Zane drinks a lot of, what else, Scotch, including a pour from a $10,000 bottle Glenfiddich 50 year.
Hangover Cure: On the show, Zane samples a hamburger with a battered and fried patty, battered and fried candy bars, and fried pizza, but doesn’t really say if it worked.
In the book, haggis (minced and spiced sheep organs inside a sheep’s intestine) is the hangover remedy, which was given 1-out-of-3 Sheets in terms of effectiveness stating that “something that makes you sick to your stomach before you even eat it won’t do much better to reduce your nausea.”
10. Barcelona, Spain: Hangover cause: Different kinds of Cava (sparkling wine), aguardiente (Spanish grappa), beer, and lots of sangria.
Hangover Cure: None mentioned, but we won’t leave you hanging. One common hangover cure from Barcelona is eggs estrellados (fried eggs over French fries). Olé!
11. Cognac, France: Hangover cause: Zane drank his way through eau de vie and, of course, plenty of Cognac.
Hangover Cure: No hangover cure was mentioned, but then again no hangover was reported. Either way, a popular French hangover cure is cassoulet, a hearty meat and white bean casserole.
12. Bangkok, Thailand: Hangover cause: Chang brand beer, Sang Som rum, Mekhong Whiskey (which is actually more of a rum), and a Mai Thai.
Hangover Cure: Pad kee mao, or spicy drunken noodles. Did it work? Here’s what Zane said, “With every burning bite comes more sweat and less of a hangover sensation, until all I’m left with is pure burning heat and a profound need for something cool.” Sounds like a yes.
13. Argentina: Hangover cause: Fernet Branca (bitter herbal liqueur with more than 60 herbs, spices, roots, and fruits), fernet and cola, gancia batido (basically an Argentinian pisco sour), Quilmes brand lager beer, and wines such as Malbec and Torrontés.
Hangover Cure: BBQ and yerba maté. In the book, it was just the maté, which was given 2-out-of-3 sheets.
14. Moscow, Russia: Hangover cause: Beer, vodka (potato or grain-based neutral spirit only), Samogon (Russian moonshine, which in this case was made with table sugar and spiced with St. John’s-wort and aged for one year), and Yorsh (a vodka beer bomb).
Hangover Cure: A buttery baked potato. Did it work? Who knows.
15. London, England: Hangover cause: Gin martini, tequila, cocktails, aquavit, shots, cider, distilled cider, a “mosquito” (a scotch-based mojito), and beer.
Hangover Cure: None mentioned.
Season 4
1. New Zealand: Hangover cause: Moonshine, whiskey cream, Speight’s Gold Medal Ale brand beer, “Sir Ed” cocktail (muddled apricots, honey & lemon, date-infused vodka, with a splash of Nepalese Nepali tea and rum), Monteith’s (original ale and black ale), and more cocktails.
Hangover Cure: A canyon swing over 360 feet (it’s like a bungee jump). Did it work? Yep. 4-out-of-3 sheets, per the book.
2. Tanzania: Hangover cause: Engortorogi (Masai bee brew), hibiscus wine, moonshine rum, mbege, Raha banana beer, hard cider, konyagi (similar to gin), and beer brands including Tusker, Kilimanjaro, Safari, and Serengeti.
Hangover Cure: Chicken soup. Made Zane feel better on the show, and given 2-out-of-3-sheets in the book.
3. Lithuania: Hangover cause: Stumbras ‘Trejos Devynerios’ 999 Bitter Liqueur (a grain spirit made with 27 different ingredients), vodka shots, Alus and Stačias brand beers, mead, and Zalgiris Mead Balsam (distilled and spiced mead weighing in at 75% abv).
Hangover Cure: None mentioned, but we’ll pick up the baton. Cabbage-sauerkraut soup is a common Lithuanian hangover cure.
4. St. Martin: Hangover cause: Guava berry liqueur, guava berry-colada, Love Potion # 9 (bois bande-infused rum), beer, mixed drinks, pressed sugarcane and gin, ti punch (white rum, lime juice and simple syrup), French Mojito, infused rums including a centipede-infused version.
Hangover Cure: Per the book: fresh coconut juice with a shot of gin. Results? Inconclusive as the mix wasn’t terribly pleasant. Per the show, zip-lining through the trees. No results mentioned.
5. Cape Town, South Africa: Zane earns another hangover after sampling a variety of wines including Goats Do Roam (a wine in the style of Côtes du Rhône), Klipdrif brandy, a shot of “Springbok” (Amarula and peppermint liqueur), Umqombothi homebrewed beer fermented from corn meal and sorghum, Ijuba and Chibuku (commercial versions of Umqombothi), Witblits (South African grappa), Castle lager, cocktails, snaps and shots.
Hangover Cure: A scrambled ostrich egg. Just for reference, an ostrich egg is equivalent to 24 regular-sized chicken eggs, weigh over three pounds and contain about 2,000 calories. Did it work? Zane gave it 2-out-of-3 sheets in the book.
6. Tuscany, Italy: Zane sips Chianti, Super Tuscan, brunello di montalcino, Elixir de san Bernardo (a spiced liqueur digestive), and Gocce Imperiali, another spiced digestive featuring anise and coriander. Finishing up with a wine-crawl (wine-walk?), Zane becomes the proud new owner of another hangover.
Hangover Cure: A grape-stomping contest, I guess? Did it work? Let’s put it this way: When has stomping on grapes not cured a hangover? In other words, who knows.
7. Hawaii: Hangover cause: A sting of foo foo drinks including a “Lava Flow” (basically a piña colada with strawberries), cocktails, Primo and Maui brand beers, okolehao (Hawaiian moonshine), Pau (vodka distilled from pineapple), and shots of Ocean brand vodka.
Hangover Cure: A lomilomi (Hawaiian-style) massage. Did it work? Zane said he could feel the alcohol toxins leaving his body, so sure, why not.
8. Poland: Hangover cause: honey vodka (Miodula brand), Goldwasser (anise-flavored liquor with gold flakes), beer (Tyskie brand), vodka (single rye, barley, oats, and potato versions), plum vodka, ground pepper-infused vodka, and Żubrówka, or “Bison Grass Vodka” in English, an herb-flavored vodka made illegal in the U.S. for containing coumarin which is thought to cause liver damage (like alcohol) and thin the blood (like alcohol). A similar tasting, reformulated version of Żubrówka that contains less coumarin can be found today in the U.S.
Hangover Cure: In T.V. Land, Zane’s attempt at a hangover cure is a dip in an indoor waterpark at his hotel, but no mention was made of its effectiveness. Over in Bookland, the hangover remedy listed was “pickle soup” made from pickles, cream, potatoes, dill, and broth. This hearty soup hit the spot, but didn’t totally cancel out the hangover, so was awarded 2-out-of-3 Sheets.
9. Namibia: Formerly known as “German South West Africa”, it’s little wonder that the African country of Namibia offers up Zane a smattering of German-influenced brews including Windhoek, Tafel, Urbock, and Hansa brands. To further help Zane along his way to hangoversville, Namibia pours Ovambo liquor (palm wine), brandy & cola, Gehr’s Kaktusfeigen Brand liquor (“Kaktusfeigen” is German for “prickly pear”), and Fälinger (“korn” or grain liquor).
Hangover Cure: Adrenaline in the form of four-wheeling on a quad in the dunes of the Namib Desert. Did it work? Zane said he felt good afterwards, so sure, why not. In addition, Zane also partook in the more traditional hangover cure of Namibia: buffalo milk, which despite its name does not contain any actual buffalo components but is instead a mixed drink comprised of vanilla ice cream, rum, Amarula cream liqueur, spiced rum, and whole cream.
10. Hamburg, Germany: Hangover cause: Jägermeister, cocktails, flavored vodkas, molecular cocktails, Astra Pilsenser, Küstennebel liqueur (anise-flavored liqueur), and shots of Fischer Geist (56% ABV grain alcohol).
Hangover Cure: Labskaus (corned beef, onions and potatoes), a traditional hangover cure of Northern Germany. Did it work? Didn’t say.
11. Barbados: Hangover cause: Rum Punch, Mount Gay Rum, Velvet Falernum cocktails, rum cocktails including rum & Kola Tonic, and Banks Beer.
Hangover Cure: None mentioned. But a common hangover cure in Barbados is coconut water.
12. Newcastle, England: Hangover cause: Newcastle beer, real ale, cocktails, and brandy.
Hangover Cure: Black pudding, Cumberland sausage, smoked herring, a pork sausage and a double-vodka bloody Mary. Did it work? Didn’t say.
13. Lesbos, Greece: Hangover cause: Mythos lager beer, Tsipouro (pomace brandy) straight up and as a beer bomb, and a lot of ouzo, including 100% distilled (no blended) Aphrodite brand ouzo.
Hangover Cure: A teaspoon of olive oil as a pre-drinking countermeasure, a slow drinking pace, and snacks throughout the drinking day perhaps all contributed to Zane not having a hangover.
14. Iceland: Hangover cause: Landi (Icelandic moonshine), Icelandic microbrews from the Ölvisholt brewery including one brewed with Angelica (an herb), Brennivín (an iconic herbed liquor also known as “black death”), licorice liqueur, and cocktails with an Icelandic twist.
Hangover Cure: Lobster soup and hair of the dog (Icelandic vodka). Effectiveness unknown.
15. Tahiti: In his visit to French Polynesia, Zane sips “Vin de Tahiti”, the only wine in the world with a “coral terroir”, pineapple and ginger liqueurs, cocktails, Hinano brand beer (the most popular in Tahiti) and brews from Les 3 Brasseurs, a French beer chain.
Hangover Cure: Cavitation (courtesy of dolphin echolocation), which is a rippling apart of molecules in the soft body tissues. Fancy way of saying ‘swimming with the dolphins.” Did it work? Yes.
16. Whistler, Canada: Hangover cause: Manitoba Martini (Canadian Whiskey, ginger ale and ice), beer, beer bombs, Champagne, and cocktails.
Hangover Cure: Poutine and “Dude Beer”. Did it work? Per Zane, “Whether it’s the Dude Beer or the fires, my hangover is starting to go away.”
17. Panama: Hangover cause: Chicha fuerte (beer made from germinated corn), Atlas, Balboa and Panama brand lagers, Seco Herrerano (a sugarcane-based spirit), and Ron Abuelo Anejo rum.
Hangover Cure: Sancocho, which is a hearty soup made with chicken, corn, carrots, yucca root and, in this case, habanero hot sauce. Hot sauce contains capsaicin, which temporarily desensitizes neurons including pain. Did it work? “I don’t have a hangover anymore; it’s replaced with burning.”
18. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Hangover cause: Hemp beer, hemp wine, genever (“jen-E-fer”: the predecessor or gin), beer, kruidenbitter (herb infused genever), cannabis absinth, Heineken, shots, and Brandy.
Hangover Cure: A herring sandwich. Did it work? Per Zane: “Okay, so herring doesn’t necessarily cure a hangover.” Take that for what it’s worth.
Final Words
So there you have it. Every single hangover cure from Three Sheets.
Speaking of hangover cures… and perhaps this should have been mentioned earlier, but back in 2013, Zane did an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on reddit (a website) where he was asked what his go-to hangover cure was. Zane responded:
“Time is the only cure.”
Hi, I’m Dan: Beer Editor for BeerSyndicate.com, Beer and Drinking Writer, Award-Winning Brewer, BJCP Beer Judge, Beer Reviewer, American Homebrewers Association Member, Shameless Beer Promoter, and Beer Traveler.